Monday, March 14, 2005

More Ups and Downs than Highbanks

This past week has been full of ups and downs in regards to my running as well as emotions, but overall I guess it's all ok.

Sunday: gorgeous 12 miles at Highbanks. Great weather. UP.
Monday: CT on bike
Tuesday: Good speedwork. UP.
Wednesday: thought I was coming down with the flu. Worried about shins/potential stress fracture? Overall felt poopy and just wanted to crawl under the covers at about 2pm. Tried to go shopping for jeans and everything looked like crap b/c of my darned legs getting bigger. DOWN.
Thursday: Went to Max Sports Center to have my shin pain checked out. It's probably just shin splints, I guess I pronate a bit on my right foot, which is odd b/c a few years back when I was fitted for shoes I didn't pronate at all. I'm going to PT on the 22nd, but the doc isn't too worries. Celebrated with an 8 mile run (knee started to get sore and I sorta limped the last quarter-mile).
Friday: The roads were icy so I couldn't run inside, I tried the treadmill but switching between two pairs of shoes my knee was still VERY sore. A bit nervous.
Saturday: 20 miler. Overall, felt pretty good. There was some brutal wind and on the way back from campus I was dragging a little, but we had a really strong run: 2:49:xx - or about an 8:30 pace. Our last 5 miles were 8:18, 8:14, 8:14, 8:10, 7:23 (the last mile was short). Oh yeah, I got my watch on Friday, so I guess that was a little up. I felt fine after the run, a bit stiff but not too bad. The rest of the day sorta went downhill from there though.
Sunday: Overall a crappy day, but I felt fine physically. I thought about running at Yellow Springs but eventually just headed home and did an easy loop around the complex. Felt totally fine, somewhat to my surprise. Still, I only did one loop so as not to push it.

Weekly mileage: (Mon-Sun) 34.3


Blogger Meredith said...

Isn't it funny how you look in the mirror and you're skinny and you weigh yourself and your thin, but you put on a pair of jeans and your thighs are just huge! If I knew anything about fashion design I would start my own clothing line for runners/athletes that provided more room in the thighs for pants and in the arms/shoulders for shirts.

8:59 AM  

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