Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Well today was my physical therapy session. It was pretty straight-forward: the woman just poked at my leg a bit and said it wasn't too bad. She showed me how to tape my arches (which felt SOOO good while she was doing it, like a foot massage) and gave me some strengthening exercices to do. She really didn't seem too concerned about my getting new shoes or anything, so I may just wait it out til after Boston.

I did 4 miles this morning before I went in, and 5.25 yesterday on the treadmill. So far I've only taken 4 days off this month, including a day I forced myself to take off in prep for the 5K last week. That's pretty unusual for me: I was a 3x/weeker in prep for the Columbus marathon. I feel really strong - I'd actually love to increase my training, although I know it's not worth it this late in the game.

However!!!! Note to self: if trying to follow a training plan, follow it! Yesterday I tried to do a tempo run: Warm-up 3 miles, 1 mile fast, .5 mile recovery, 1 mile fast, 1.5 mile cool-down. The guideline I had had the slow miles at 10.5-11 min miles, and the fast at 7.5 min miles. I thought I'd do the slow miles at 8.5 min miles, and about died. Didn't even make it to the 2nd fast mile - evidently these plans are written by people who know what they're talking about....


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