Monday, May 23, 2005

Heart Rate Training for the Compleat Idiot

Today was my first day at 'heart rate training'. I've been reading "heart rate training for the compleate idiot" so today I set out on an 'easy run' to try this stuff out. The book states that there are two 'magic numbers', your recovery ceiling (basically 70% of your max), and your threshold floor (close to 85% of your max).
The formula I used (Which they state right off is likely inaccurate) was
205 - 14 (half my age) + 5 (for being female). 196 is therefore my estimated max.
My estimated max - 53 (my resting heart rate, although this may not be accurate itself) gives me my range of 143. To get my recovery ceiling, I take that *.7 and +53 (to get my resting heart rate back in) to get 153.

So I set out around my apartment complex with my FitSense set to beep when I surpassed this Recovery ceiling of 153. Let me tell you, it was pretty easy to hit it! Luckily however I was able to get my heart rate back down quite easily, generally by stopping for one step, or sometimes just jogging slower. The little incline was the toughest, however, and I often had to walk.

What's really interesting is the graph of my heart rate versus speed. It will be interesting to see how things progress - right now the two lines are VERY close, I can only expect the deviation with them will open up as I'm able to go faster with a lower heart rate?

Posted by Hello


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