knee pain...
I played softball with Lisa Miller yesterday, and she asked how running was going. I was planning to run the SunBurst marathon on the 4th. She declared "you're getting as bad as me!" To which I adamantly said "no I'm not!"
But the thing is, maybe I am. Not just in terms of striving to run another marathon on the heels of my last one, but because I'm pushing myself. My knee started really bothering me after the 18 miler. I actually think it could be a result of that 18 miler, and then my sprinting in softball (in new cleats!) a few hours later. Whatever the reason, I ran 18 miles last Sunday, and then 20 miles in total over the whole next week. (4 Tues, 6 Friday, 10 Saturday). I'm trying not to psych myself out - after all, I was pretty darned sore leading into Columbus, with a sore hip, creky toes and ankles, and some intermittent shin splints, and I did just fine. I just do NOT want to compromise my long term health or ability to run.
I went out today on a slooooow run with my heart rte monitor, and near the end of it my knee started to feel a little stiff. Not too bad, however. I just know I will monitor it, because I would rather lower my mileage now and feel fresh for the race, than continue to strain. I'm already eyeing the calendar and thinknig that it is only 18 weeks from Sunburst to Towpath or Chicago, so I can't afford to be injured after SunBurst either. I just need to stay healthy and strong, and let things look after themselves.
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