Thursday, June 02, 2005

but it's a HEALTHY obsession, right???

My Mom is doing great in her running aspirations. She read some Galloway article (*shudder*, I tried to talk her out of it) on training for a 10K that maxed out at 35 min of running. Well she can do that now (no walking breaks) and it's still 12 weeks til the race. I think she'll do just fine... :) I'm expecting her to finish strong and wonder what the next challenge is, so naturally, what do I put in front of her?

No, she's probbly not going to be ready for a marathon (although I think she could do it, I know my mom and she would want to do WELL). But she could do the half.. and, well, maybe I'd do the full, or maybe I'd do the half with her and THEN the full. Yes, that's how crazy I'm getting about this stuff. But they're marketing a package where people do both, and I was thinking it would be nice to do the half WITH my mom, and hopefully that would be at an easy enough pace I could gut out a marathon the next day. What's happening to me????


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