Wednesday, March 23, 2005


I just bought a FitSense speedometer online - I'd been eying them for awhile, and I came across one on today for $100 less than they are new, so I ponied up and got it. I had been planning on saving up for it, but I couldn't pass up the deal, since I'd been looking online for them for awhile and hadn't found any used.

This thing is pretty slick, I've read lots of good stuff about them. It's a speedometer, but doesn't use GPS so it doesn't lose its signal. It has a heart-rate monitor, and a computer link to track your heart rate, pace, etc per run.

I'm pretty excited about my new toy tool.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Well today was my physical therapy session. It was pretty straight-forward: the woman just poked at my leg a bit and said it wasn't too bad. She showed me how to tape my arches (which felt SOOO good while she was doing it, like a foot massage) and gave me some strengthening exercices to do. She really didn't seem too concerned about my getting new shoes or anything, so I may just wait it out til after Boston.

I did 4 miles this morning before I went in, and 5.25 yesterday on the treadmill. So far I've only taken 4 days off this month, including a day I forced myself to take off in prep for the 5K last week. That's pretty unusual for me: I was a 3x/weeker in prep for the Columbus marathon. I feel really strong - I'd actually love to increase my training, although I know it's not worth it this late in the game.

However!!!! Note to self: if trying to follow a training plan, follow it! Yesterday I tried to do a tempo run: Warm-up 3 miles, 1 mile fast, .5 mile recovery, 1 mile fast, 1.5 mile cool-down. The guideline I had had the slow miles at 10.5-11 min miles, and the fast at 7.5 min miles. I thought I'd do the slow miles at 8.5 min miles, and about died. Didn't even make it to the 2nd fast mile - evidently these plans are written by people who know what they're talking about....

Friday, March 18, 2005

St. Patty's Day 5K

Last night was the Brewmasters Gate 5K. I wasn't sure how I felt about a run at 7pm, but I've been wanting to do a 5K for along time and this seemed a good opportunity.

The weather seemed pretty nice: it was 51 when I left for the race, but as the sun went down, the wind picked up. I had just finished parking my car when I heard someone call out my name: it was Bridget! She knew a few other people running as well, so she said she'd cheer for me :)

I felt pretty good lining up at the start, I was in the first few rows of people. When the gun went off, I tried not to start too quickly, but within a quarter mile or so, I found myself breathing a little heavily. I actually considered stopping, thinking "it must just not be my day". Then at the first turn (0.52 miles) I look at my watch and realized why I was breathing so hard, it said 3:08. I slowed down a bit for the next half mile.

There was a decent crowd running, but everyone was pretty spread out where I was. That didn't stop a guy from coming up right behind me and drafting off me, however! It sucked b/c I didn't even want to spit because I thought it would hit him, he was literally so close to me. Then some girl came up and ran right next to him. He pulled forward at about a mile and left. I hit the mile marker at 6:46. Shortly after that, the girl who'd been right at my shoulder started to move forward. She was breathing really heavily though, so I wasn't too concerned. I told myself I'd concentrate on other runners come mile2 or 2.5, for now this was my race against myself.

Right before the turn-around point, the girl was just a few feet ahead of me, as she reached out to grab a water (the water I wanted!) . But she obviously had never had Mike Richardson Cup Drinking Instruction as I had, because I passed her easily right after a couple of sips, and soon I could no longer hear her ragged breath.

I'm actually a big fan of 'there-and-back' races, because of the emotional kick I get from feeling I'm on the way back. By this time it was too dark to see my watch and I hadn't yet learned how to turn on the indiglo to stay lit, so I fumbled with it a bit as I was running. A handful of men passed me, and in general everyone said "good job", it was pretty nice. My 2nd mile split was 7:08. An older guy passed me as we got closer to the brudge. He said I was doing well, and pointed out that the bridge was looming ahead. I told him I was trying to ignore that fact, and he said "it's a tough one" as he pulled ahead. My thought was "nothing compared to the hills I'll be dealing with in a month", and that put a big smile on my face. Yup, a month today!!

I passed some guy on the bridge, and made the final turn for the .52 left to the finish. There was really no one ahead of me at a decent distance to try to catch or pass - I actually hadn't seen another woman runner in front of me since before the first mile marker - so I just chugged along. There was a moderate downhill, but the wind was cold in my face. Bridge-guy passed me, then slowed down and I went by him again. The end of the race was *inside* the bar so right at the end you had to take a sharp left into the building. How ridiculous. Right at that corner I heard Bridget cheer me on, and I looked up at the clock: 21:54. My goal had been sub-22, and it was staring me right in the face. They didn't officially record times, but I stopped my watch at 21:56 so I guess that's that. A PR by just about 40 seconds.

They had medals for the Top 25 Females, I got 5th.

I grabbed a gatorade and headed out to say hi to Bridget. She commented on the fact I didn't even seem winded. It was a good race, I'm really glad I did it. Andy said this was going to be a year of PRs for me, and I think he's right. Now I just have to focus on my 10K time! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

St. Patty's Day

This Thursday night I'm running the Brewmaster's Gate 5K. I actually had wanted to run a 5K after Columbus, but it took me too long to recover, and so I've been trying to find a 5K to run before Boston, in case it takes as much recovery time. My 5K races have never been as good as I feel they could be, because I start way too fast and can't sustain it. I think that even though I've been concentrating on distance, I'm just overall alot stronger than I have been, and hopefully can turn things around. Heck, just the fact that I could put out a 7:03 min mile at the end of the Columbus Winter Run 15 milers gives me alot of encouragement.

My past 5Ks have been pretty brutal in general. I go out way too fast, then die. Even though my PR IS when I had my fastest first mile, I think that was alot of luck and I'd do better to start off a bit slower and be able to kick it up at the end. Aiming for 7:00 - 7:10/mile would make me very happy.

datemile 1avg. pacetime

Hell, Andy told me he expected me to PR, so I guess I have a challenge!

Monday, March 14, 2005

More Ups and Downs than Highbanks

This past week has been full of ups and downs in regards to my running as well as emotions, but overall I guess it's all ok.

Sunday: gorgeous 12 miles at Highbanks. Great weather. UP.
Monday: CT on bike
Tuesday: Good speedwork. UP.
Wednesday: thought I was coming down with the flu. Worried about shins/potential stress fracture? Overall felt poopy and just wanted to crawl under the covers at about 2pm. Tried to go shopping for jeans and everything looked like crap b/c of my darned legs getting bigger. DOWN.
Thursday: Went to Max Sports Center to have my shin pain checked out. It's probably just shin splints, I guess I pronate a bit on my right foot, which is odd b/c a few years back when I was fitted for shoes I didn't pronate at all. I'm going to PT on the 22nd, but the doc isn't too worries. Celebrated with an 8 mile run (knee started to get sore and I sorta limped the last quarter-mile).
Friday: The roads were icy so I couldn't run inside, I tried the treadmill but switching between two pairs of shoes my knee was still VERY sore. A bit nervous.
Saturday: 20 miler. Overall, felt pretty good. There was some brutal wind and on the way back from campus I was dragging a little, but we had a really strong run: 2:49:xx - or about an 8:30 pace. Our last 5 miles were 8:18, 8:14, 8:14, 8:10, 7:23 (the last mile was short). Oh yeah, I got my watch on Friday, so I guess that was a little up. I felt fine after the run, a bit stiff but not too bad. The rest of the day sorta went downhill from there though.
Sunday: Overall a crappy day, but I felt fine physically. I thought about running at Yellow Springs but eventually just headed home and did an easy loop around the complex. Felt totally fine, somewhat to my surprise. Still, I only did one loop so as not to push it.

Weekly mileage: (Mon-Sun) 34.3